Doom Bots 2019 League Of Legends

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DoomDoom bots league of legends

It might be that normal bots are just made worse like that. I remember in 2014 or so when the juking was introduced, they could do it much better and more often but some months later RIOT nerfed them a bit.

As with everything else bot related.Also doombots seem to lack the 'threat evaluation' mentioned here:This could make them use the dodging more or better.The bots in 2012 were the best bots to date by the way. They did not juke but they did other things such as, they grouped and roamed the map and destroyed you in like 2 seconds.

League Of Legends Bot

They had more gold, much better minion clearing (they didnt 'try' to last hit, which makes the current bots suck), they used all the summoner spells including tp,cleanse and more. But ofcourse RIOT had to nerf them. Djm 700 vs dn-x1500 2.


Doom Bots 2019 League Of Legends Cinematic

Doom bots werent actually better bots but they had so OP abilities that made it harder.