Grade Dalam Pascal Adalah
Beautiful and ruthless, Jessica Wakefield is determined to be chosen queen of the fall dance at Sweet Valley High. If she can win the contest, she's sure to win Bruce Patman, the most sought after boy in school.The only person standing in Jessica's way is Enid Rollins. When Jessica discovers the truth about Enid's past, she knows the crown is within her grasp. She doesn't Beautiful and ruthless, Jessica Wakefield is determined to be chosen queen of the fall dance at Sweet Valley High. If she can win the contest, she's sure to win Bruce Patman, the most sought after boy in school.The only person standing in Jessica's way is Enid Rollins. When Jessica discovers the truth about Enid's past, she knows the crown is within her grasp.
She doesn't care that Enid is her twin sister Elizabeth's best friend or that revealing the secret may cost Enid both her reputation and the boy she loves. Only Elizabeth can save Enid from Jessica's vicious gossip but can she stop her scheming twin in time? Disclaimer: I am not a teenager or preteen, but an adult. Everyone keeps telling me I am but I'm not sure I'm buying what they're selling.
Therefore my views are based from that perspective rather than someone in the target age range. I inhaled these suckers when I was young, hale, and hearty, so in an apparent moment of weakness have decided to re-visit one of my favorite old series in a fondly-remembered, tongue-in-cheek, and mostly sarcastic approach. So since I couldn't manage to Disclaimer: I am not a teenager or preteen, but an adult. Everyone keeps telling me I am but I'm not sure I'm buying what they're selling. Therefore my views are based from that perspective rather than someone in the target age range. I inhaled these suckers when I was young, hale, and hearty, so in an apparent moment of weakness have decided to re-visit one of my favorite old series in a fondly-remembered, tongue-in-cheek, and mostly sarcastic approach.
So since I couldn't manage to devise a rating system for SVH books, I came up with this little way to have some fun, which is in the review form you will (hopefully) read below.:)Cover Models: Elizabeth and JessicaElizabeth looks utterly scandalized at what Jessica is gleefully saying to someone on the phone.Page count: A whopping 118 pagesSpecial Event: A fall dance.Number of times 'a hundred and thirty-seven' was mentioned: Once, on page 87.Mental Illness of the Week: It's a tie.Jessica has psychotic episodes, two, three times, I don't know I lost count. Ronnie will eventually control, abuse, and kill his future wife. A very scary dude.Jessica's Bitchyness scale:. (out of five)I have the feeling this will be permanently stuck at five.WTFery Meter:. stars (out of five)-Quotes & Snarky comments:'Frankly,' Jessica said, 'I can't imagine what a cute guy like Ronnie sees in that little creep.' 'Liz seems to like her pretty well, too,' commented Cara, casting Jessica a sidelong glance.' Jessica snorted in disgust.
'Listen, Cara, my sister has absolutely no taste when it comes to picking friends. It's positively embarrassing! I mean, what if some thought it was me hanging out with Enid?' - page 24Since this book is all about Jessica destroying Enid's reputation, there are plenty more degrading comments concerning Elizabeth's best friend. I didn't even bother to write them all down. Too much work.
'Elizabeth was left to wonder why, if Jessica was doing her such a big favor, she was the one making all the sacrifices.' - page 75Because you choose to do that, Liz.
'She'd (Jessica) been acting strangely secretive these past few days, Elizabeth thought, wondering what she was up to. With Jessica, you never knew.' - page 87Wrong, with Jessica, you always know what she's up to: scheming to ruin someone's life and reputation so she can get her own way and end up on top. 'Enid,' Elizabeth admonished, 'there is a point at which you can be too forgiving.' - page 108This from the Queen of Doormats. Who could hate her enough to do such an awful thing to her?Suddenly Jessica remembered about the funny way Elizabeth had been acting earlier that evening. She remembered Elizabeth saying that Winston would make some lucky girl a wonderful king.
It had to be! Who else but her own twin would be jealous enough of her to want to stab her in the back?
She'd always know Elizabeth was jealous. Jessica was a thousand times more popular, she told herself.- page 112/113God, delusional much. Someone's got problems.Final thoughts:The books in the Sweet Valley High series may be short, but my brain hurts from the stupidity of it all. I think several of my brain cells surrendered their own lives whilst reading Sweet Valley High:.
Let us pay our respects with a moment of silence.Previous review:Next review:Any suggestions on what else I could look for during future torture readings are always welcome. Oh, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica! She really sticks her foot in it this time. As the motto goes, 'What Jessica wants, Jessica gets' simply must come true in this one. Jessica is wants two things right now Bruce Patman and the title of queen for the next school dance. She figures the easiest way to Bruce is to get that title as he is a shoo-in for king.
The catch is that Elizabeth's best friend Enid is also a candidate.What Jessica does in this book to get her way is low and plain cruel to several Oh, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica! She really sticks her foot in it this time. As the motto goes, 'What Jessica wants, Jessica gets' simply must come true in this one. Jessica is wants two things right now Bruce Patman and the title of queen for the next school dance. She figures the easiest way to Bruce is to get that title as he is a shoo-in for king. The catch is that Elizabeth's best friend Enid is also a candidate.What Jessica does in this book to get her way is low and plain cruel to several people.
She has often done things that have me shaking my head at her but this one has me plain ol' mad at her! I feel so bad for Elizabeth and Enid who are caught in the middle and even a bit bad for Ronnie who gets a twisted version of a truth that he was not ready to understand. Plus, just to add to the overall story line, we also get a side plot where rumors begin flying about Ms Dalton having and affair with student Ken Matthews.
I do wish we had gotten even a few words on Ken's take of this but we are denied this curiosity.As typical of many Sweet Valley books, this book has a slight 'justice is served' feeling and a satisfactory ending.I always enjoy coming back to these books from time to time. The stories are short and simple but while some true-to-life situations using larger-than-life characters. I'm slowly working my way through the Sweet Valley High and University series, as well as completing my collection.I started religiously reading these books in the early 90s, so I haven't read a lot of the earlier books in the series.In book number 2, Secrets, Enid is keeping a secret correspondence with an old friend who happens to be a guy. She really doesn't want her boyfriend Ronnie to find out. She finally confides in Liz, who swears not to tell anyone, and of course Jessica stumbles upon I'm slowly working my way through the Sweet Valley High and University series, as well as completing my collection.I started religiously reading these books in the early 90s, so I haven't read a lot of the earlier books in the series.In book number 2, Secrets, Enid is keeping a secret correspondence with an old friend who happens to be a guy.
She really doesn't want her boyfriend Ronnie to find out. She finally confides in Liz, who swears not to tell anyone, and of course Jessica stumbles upon one of the letters Enid accidentally left in Liz's room. She takes it upon herself to tell Ronnie and cause all sorts of problems for her, with rumors flying around the school.
And she blames Liz.Why would Jessica do something like that, you ask? Well, other than the fact that she is a sociopath in the early part of the series, her main motivation is to insure her victory for queen of some dance. Mmk.I'm rating this 2.5 stars.
I'm not really a huge fan of the first 10 books or so of the series, before Francine passed her work off to a ghostwriter. The twins are written in such a way as to be completely unbelievable. Liz is all good, and Jessica is a spoiled selfish brat (and sociopath, see above). I've also never really been a fan of Enid, so any book where she is the center of attention is bound to not be a favorite of mine.Still, this series was my childhood and inspired my love for reading, so it will always be a favorite. On to book #3!
The Sweet Valley High books were the original trashy teen fiction. I'm sure something came before them that was just as bad, it must have faded into obscurity without me knowing about it.
Each book seems to have the same running gags: every girl crying at the drop of a hat, Jessica mentioning 'a hundred thirty-seven times', Jessica being a sociopathic clothes and boyfriend stealing little schemer, and Elizabeth/Liz being a passive little pushover.Central crisis: Jessica wants to be fall queen a The Sweet Valley High books were the original trashy teen fiction. I'm sure something came before them that was just as bad, it must have faded into obscurity without me knowing about it. Each book seems to have the same running gags: every girl crying at the drop of a hat, Jessica mentioning 'a hundred thirty-seven times', Jessica being a sociopathic clothes and boyfriend stealing little schemer, and Elizabeth/Liz being a passive little pushover.Central crisis: Jessica wants to be fall queen and Elizabeth's best friend Enid, whom Jessica despises, is standing in her way.
So, why not try to ruin the girl's chances at the crown by ruining the girl's relationship? Crowns are pretty and being fall queen is so important for one's social calendar. Totes justified.
And besides, she doesn't want her sister to be friends with a nerd anyway. After all, someone might think that Jessica is her friend too. We can't be having that. Most importantly, Jessica is sure stereotypical 80s high school cliche Bruce Patman with his black porsche (and house on the hill) is going to be crowned king. Can't blame the girl for wanting the alpha.Fabulous 80s reference: Elizabeth mentions Burt Reynolds. Do kids even know who he is today?I rated the book three stars, not because it's a genuinely a good book deserving of three stars, but because it's level of trashiness merited it.
We don't go to McDonald's expecting a 4 star Michelin rating, right? So why judge it so harshly? Ok so I know these books have there faults, there not well written, there probably not the best books for teenage girls but if your like me and appreciate them for what they are they are a fun read.Jessica really annoyed me in this book and she stopped to a new low even for her.
I liked the strong message in the book about how starting and spreading rumours can be so damming and how to over come that if you're the victim, I also loved that Jessica got her just deserts and the whole situation mad Ok so I know these books have there faults, there not well written, there probably not the best books for teenage girls but if your like me and appreciate them for what they are they are a fun read.Jessica really annoyed me in this book and she stopped to a new low even for her. I liked the strong message in the book about how starting and spreading rumours can be so damming and how to over come that if you're the victim, I also loved that Jessica got her just deserts and the whole situation made me giggle! Jessica is one of my favourite bookish villains I think and I'm so glad we have Elizabeth to balance her out.Once again Sweet Vally High hit the mark for me and I had a whale of a time reading it, can't wait to pick up the next book in the series! How in the world Elizabeth Wakefield is considered the 'smart twin' I'll never know. She's got a blind spot the size of the earth that she falls into wherever her sister is concerned - and is clearly oblivious of even the most obvious social interactions. First it takes her forever to figure out that people are mad at her and why, and then to realize that Jessica had a hand in it.sheesh. I give up.I really loved these books at a certain time in my life, and now they're something of a guilty pl How in the world Elizabeth Wakefield is considered the 'smart twin' I'll never know.
She's got a blind spot the size of the earth that she falls into wherever her sister is concerned - and is clearly oblivious of even the most obvious social interactions. First it takes her forever to figure out that people are mad at her and why, and then to realize that Jessica had a hand in it.sheesh. I give up.I really loved these books at a certain time in my life, and now they're something of a guilty pleasure. I think re-reading them is fun because it takes me back to a different time and place, and so becomes associated with feelings and memories that has nothing to do with the content of the books.Which means I'm going to keep re-reading these things. But gosh, someone give Liz a hard kick for me.
Well I wrote a long review on the first book Double Love, so this won't be as detailed. I read both of these books back to back-pretty easy to do when they're only about 150 pages long.One thing I forgot to mention on the first review, that I had forgotten about, was how each book ends.
On the last page there would be a closed ending to all that had happened in the previous pages and then a paragraph or two of something 'new' and then at the bottom of the page in italics and bold font it would Well I wrote a long review on the first book Double Love, so this won't be as detailed. I read both of these books back to back-pretty easy to do when they're only about 150 pages long.One thing I forgot to mention on the first review, that I had forgotten about, was how each book ends.
On the last page there would be a closed ending to all that had happened in the previous pages and then a paragraph or two of something 'new' and then at the bottom of the page in italics and bold font it would ask a question to the reader followed with a 'find out in book #3'.Here's an example from book one: 'What is the dark mystery in Enid's past, and how does Jessica use it to her own advantage? Find out in Sweet Valley High #2, Secrets.'
This little insert was genius. It got me and my friends instantly on the phone talking about the possibilities of Enid's past and begging our parents to get us to a book store or library. This review is also posted atHomecoming time has come! Surprise, surprise, but Lyla and Jessica have made the list for homecoming queen.
The real shocker is that Edin and Elizabeth did too. Thinking they only got the nod because they are dating hot boyfriends, Jessica is determined not to let either one of them show her up. No matter what.
Seriously, why hasn't one of her parents taken her behind a shed yet and beat some manners into this girl? If I had d This review is also posted atHomecoming time has come! Surprise, surprise, but Lyla and Jessica have made the list for homecoming queen. The real shocker is that Edin and Elizabeth did too.
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Thinking they only got the nod because they are dating hot boyfriends, Jessica is determined not to let either one of them show her up. No matter what. Seriously, why hasn't one of her parents taken her behind a shed yet and beat some manners into this girl?
If I had done a fraction of what Jessica has gotten away with, my mother would have had me kidnapped in the middle of the night and sent off to a boot camp in the woods to scare some sense into me.Edin is worried about her past coming out, especially with her super jealous boyfriend (her first clue that maybe he isn't the best guy to be wasting her time with in my opinion). She confides in Elizabeth, and Elizabeth swears to keep it between the two of them. But secrets have a way of getting out, and all hell breaks loose in Sweet Valley. Except between Todd and Liz.
They are too cute, even if he was a complete twat in the first novel.Light and entertaining, Secrets is a quick read that further goes to show that Liz is the ideal teenager and Jess is an insufferable bitch who doesn't care about other people's feelings at all and only wants what's best for her. Again, I feel like all of us can relate these characters to people in our lives, even if it's been forever since high school (thank God). Reviewed by Jennifer Rummel for TeensReadToo.comJessica wants to be homecoming queen.
She's dying to dance in the spotlight with the shoo-in for king, Bruce Patman.While Jessica has the popular vote locked up, she learns that other people are rooting for Enid, her sister's best friend.But Enid has a dark secret that she shares with Liz.Jessica will do anything to win, but will she take down her sister's best friend and make life miserable for her sister in the process?The second book in the Reviewed by Jennifer Rummel for TeensReadToo.comJessica wants to be homecoming queen. She's dying to dance in the spotlight with the shoo-in for king, Bruce Patman.While Jessica has the popular vote locked up, she learns that other people are rooting for Enid, her sister's best friend.But Enid has a dark secret that she shares with Liz.Jessica will do anything to win, but will she take down her sister's best friend and make life miserable for her sister in the process?The second book in the SWEET VALLEY HIGH series takes drama to a new level that readers will eat up. This was the first Sweet Valley High book I ever read. I loved how the outfits were described and how Jessica got a taste of her own medicine in the end. In the end, I learned what a true boyfriend is.
At the time, I was blinded by my love for Sweet Valley High to notice the big issues of the domestic violence, unsupervised party, and Lila’s actions. Lila’s lucky her jealous rumor just got Ms. Dalton a broken heart, harassment, and sleep deprivation. Dalton could’ve gotten fired or even arre This was the first Sweet Valley High book I ever read. I loved how the outfits were described and how Jessica got a taste of her own medicine in the end. In the end, I learned what a true boyfriend is. At the time, I was blinded by my love for Sweet Valley High to notice the big issues of the domestic violence, unsupervised party, and Lila’s actions.
Lila’s lucky her jealous rumor just got Ms. Dalton a broken heart, harassment, and sleep deprivation. Dalton could’ve gotten fired or even arrested. Jessica and Lila might not have intended the consequences to happen, but they did happen anyway. Also, part of me thought, “Oh brother!” when Elizabeth was being too sweet.
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it,Haha, Jessica needs help she has such an evil personality with being so manipulative and doing whatever she wants to do to get what she wants. I mean she was willing to have Elizabeth and Enid (Elizabeth's best friend) to break up and fight so that she can be formal dance queen. I'm glad she got what she deserved at the end.This book made me realize how kind Elizabeth was. She felt so hurt when Enid thought she made up the rumors and broke Enid's relationship with Ronnie when she did nothing and Haha, Jessica needs help she has such an evil personality with being so manipulative and doing whatever she wants to do to get what she wants. I mean she was willing to have Elizabeth and Enid (Elizabeth's best friend) to break up and fight so that she can be formal dance queen. I'm glad she got what she deserved at the end.This book made me realize how kind Elizabeth was.
She felt so hurt when Enid thought she made up the rumors and broke Enid's relationship with Ronnie when she did nothing and Jessica found her letters and gave it to Ronnie so that Ronnie can break up and have Jessica win against Enid for the crown. She felt so bad and wanted to be friends with Enid again. I think it was sweet when Enid apologized that she forgave her and for Enid's protection she made Jessica a fool.Jessica only wanted the crown because she has this major crush on this really cute boy Bruce Patman.
I mean he literally doesn't care anytime she tries to throw herself at him. I didn't like how shallow and rude Jessica was to the nerd Winston Egbert who had a major crush on her comparing him to Bruce.
In the end, Elizabeth made up the rumor that Jessica really wanted Winston to be crowned as her king and made them dance. Jessica was about to cry until she met Bruce's eyes who smiled at her.At first, Enid annoyed me. She always jumped into accusations and believed rumors over her best friend. I mean don't you trust your best friend would?
But when she talked to her teacher Mrs. Dalton I realized she was mostly just heartbroken and lashes out at someone she loved. She isn't my favorite person but I can live with her.
I felt annoyed though that she wanted Ronnie so much like he barely trusts her and was such a jerk. But when George the guy she was writing letters to come to her dance I ship them immediately.
He sounds charming and treats her better than Ronnie. People make mistakes I am glad Enid didn't beat herself too much about it.I felt bad with the whole teacher rumor about a student Ken having in an affair with Mrs.
That's a horrible rumor and almost cost her to quit her job. I'm glad when she talked to Enid she found hope and didn't quit her job and went to the dance.Overall, cute book. Can't wait to read more of Elizabeth and Jessica's adventures. I wonder if Bruce will ever go out with Jessica. Title: SecretsAuthor: Francine Pascal, Kate WilliamSeries: Sweet Valley High, 2Format: ebook, bind-upLength: N/ARating: 3 starsSynopsis: Jessica would stop at nothingGorgeous but ruthless, Jessica Wakefield is determined to be the chosen queen of Sweet Valley High’s fall dance this year.
Once she’s crowned queen, surely Bruce Patman, the most popular boy in school, will finally notice her. And the only person standing in her way is Enid Rollins, Elizabeth’s best friend.But when Jessica uncovers Title: SecretsAuthor: Francine Pascal, Kate WilliamSeries: Sweet Valley High, 2Format: ebook, bind-upLength: N/ARating: 3 starsSynopsis: Jessica would stop at nothingGorgeous but ruthless, Jessica Wakefield is determined to be the chosen queen of Sweet Valley High’s fall dance this year. Once she’s crowned queen, surely Bruce Patman, the most popular boy in school, will finally notice her. And the only person standing in her way is Enid Rollins, Elizabeth’s best friend.But when Jessica uncovers a secret about Enid’s past, she knows the crown is within reach.
She doesn’t care that revealing the secret could cost Enid both her reputation and boy she loves.Can Elizabeth save Enid from Jessica’s vicious gossip? Can she stop her scheming twin in time?Favourite character: N/ALeast favourite character: Jessica WakefieldMini-review: Two things.
First: the title should've been Rumours, not Secrets; Second: the synopsis is nothing like the book. Elizabeth doesn't find out that Jessica's the one who ruined Enid's life until the second last chapter or something.
Good grief.Also if there were rumours floating around school that a teacher was sleeping with a 16-year old student, she'd probably be put under suspension and supervision. But then I wasn't even born when this book came out, so times have changed. But still, these books are so dumb.Fan Cast:Elizabeth Wakefield/Jessica Wakefield - Lili ReinhartEnid Rollins - Cailee SpaenyTodd Wilkins - Blake MichaelRonnie Edwards - Lucas HedgesMs. Nora Dalton - Scarlett JohanssonMr. Roger Collins - Lee PaceBruce Patman - Gregg SulkinCara Walker - Sofia CarsonWinston Egbert - Joey BraggKen Matthews - Brandon LarracuenteLila Fowler - ZendayaAlice Wakefield - Laura DernGeorge Warren - Jordan RodriguesDana Larson - Dove CameronCaroline Pearce - Shannon PurserOlivia Davidson - Liza KoshyLois Waller - Maddie BaillioGuy Chesney - Cameron BoyceEmily Mayer - Lulu Antariksa. Throwback Books is a theme centered around books in a series from a decade or more ago.
To join TBB, choose a throwback series (for example, The Hardy Boys) and have fun reliving the past! Don’t forget to link back to and.We are back in Sweet Valley High with all new drama in 'Secrets.' In this book, we find out that Jessica learned absolutely nothing from her shenanigans in the first book. She's still the same old narcissistic.well, to quote a classic, 'F Throwback Books is a theme centered around books in a series from a decade or more ago.
To join TBB, choose a throwback series (for example, The Hardy Boys) and have fun reliving the past! Don’t forget to link back to and.We are back in Sweet Valley High with all new drama in 'Secrets.' In this book, we find out that Jessica learned absolutely nothing from her shenanigans in the first book. She's still the same old narcissistic.well, to quote a classic, 'For twenty-three years I’ve been dying to tell you what I thought of you! And now, well, being a Christian woman, I can’t say it!'
-Aunt Em; The Wizard of Oz.Jessica stooped to an all new low in this book when she deliberately exposed Enid's secret to the school. She allows Enid to think that Elizabeth betrayed her confidence.
Because she wants to ruin Enid's chance of being homecoming queen and she doesn't like for Elizabeth to have friends. I thought I couldn't hate Jessica any more than I already did but I was wrong.This book also tackles the subject of inappropriate student/teacher relationships. In this instance, it is nothing more than a rumor but I'm still puzzled by the lack of investigation into the matter. Were these things only mildly inappropriate in the eighties?
I'd appreciate some insight from those that were in high school in 1984.I liked this book more than the first. Jessica is still Jessica and Elizabeth is still a pushover.
But, I thought that the book did a good job of exploring topics that are still relevant to today's teens. There was a lot going on in this book; topics ranging from drug abuse to domestic violence. I would like to see more negative consequences for those who choose to do wrong. But, I have to remember that this is cheesy high school chicklit from 1984. I can't expect too much.Overall, it's been a blast to revisit my childhood. I can't wait to see what kind of ridiculous drama I'm drawn into next!What I rate this book now: 3 starsWhat I would have rated this book in 1995: 5 stars. So the second book I received was the old edition from the eighties, which made everything better.
Grade Dalam Pascal Adalah En
That said, in the first book Jessica accuses Todd of sexual assault and in this one, she purposefully misleads Enid's boyfriend (kind of scarily controlling guy) into thinking he was being cheated on- girl really is awful- how did she have so many friends, anyway? The third book is the new version. I am ready to feel like everything is wrong again, but this time, I am prepared. Two stars, because So the second book I received was the old edition from the eighties, which made everything better. That said, in the first book Jessica accuses Todd of sexual assault and in this one, she purposefully misleads Enid's boyfriend (kind of scarily controlling guy) into thinking he was being cheated on- girl really is awful- how did she have so many friends, anyway?
The third book is the new version. I am ready to feel like everything is wrong again, but this time, I am prepared. Two stars, because that's probably what I'll give all of these books.
Secrets (Sweet Valley High) 2PLOT: Gotta secret. Can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save. Better lock it in your pocket. Taking this one to the grave. Apparently someone DOESN’T in Secrets.
Cause Enid Rollins past has been put on blast. And I think we all have a good idea who that someone is Little does anyone at SVH know that goody goody Enid past is filled with drugs, drinking, and an accidental almost killing shared with an old flame George. Unknowst to the new guy in her life Ronnie. And Secrets (Sweet Valley High) 2PLOT: Gotta secret. Can you keep it? Swear this one you'll save. Better lock it in your pocket.
Taking this one to the grave. Apparently someone DOESN’T in Secrets. Cause Enid Rollins past has been put on blast. And I think we all have a good idea who that someone is Little does anyone at SVH know that goody goody Enid past is filled with drugs, drinking, and an accidental almost killing shared with an old flame George. Unknowst to the new guy in her life Ronnie.
And that she's been secretly still communicating with him through letters. But that all comes unraveled when the letters are leaked. But how could that be? The only one who know about the letters were Enid, George, and Elizabeth. Meanwhile, Jessica plots to win the heart of Bruce Patman by getting close to Ronnie whose over the dance committee to guarantee that she'll be Queen to Bruce's King.MY THOUGHTS:.As much a fan as I was of the SV series I never thought about how out of character it is to make straight-laced Elizabeth the editor of SVH's gossip column. She's supposed to be the goody goody one.From the first description Ronnie sounds like an ass, and you already know he's gonna be a jerk and they probably won't make it to the next book.So dated.
But then in a lot of ways letter writing still holds sentimentality to me. It was one of the most simple, pure, forms of communication before social media came and sullied everything. Looking back at this it just amazes me how far things have come. If it was today George probably would have Skyped or Face timed Enid. Then this book never would have been written.Ken must have had some hell of a years! Now he's tall, blond, and gorgeous.
I remember in Choosing Sides he was one of the shortest guys in the school when he tried out for the basketball. It's always mind-blowing when the short one turns out HOT later on down the line. It's like when did they get fine?!.Wow! I know it was coming but I actually feel (felt) bad for Enid. I KNOW what it's like for a guy to do a 100 and turn from someone you thought you knew to a complete ass hole right in front of your eyes and the hurt you feel thinking to yourself what happened. Only in this case at least Enid knows the reason.
Sometimes they don't even give you one. Enid is definitely better off without this controlling SOB.In Enid's case I can fully understand why she didn't tell Ronnie but it makes it look even that more suspicious if you try to hide something even when its innocent so she wasn't completely right in the situation either. But then at the first sign of Ronnie being possessive (and apparently it doesn't take much) why didn't she call it off if in the back of her mind she knew he wouldn't be cool with her communicating with an old (ex) just as a friend?.Even though I think less and less of Jessica, in this one I actually admire her determination to not give up going after her guy. Even though I really don 't get the attraction in this one to Bruce she shrugs off the challenge of him going to the dance with another girl. I wish I had a little bit of Jessica in me to fight like that.But then, on the other hand, to be a manipulative, self-serving sociopath, for someone who isn't even worth it? I hated early SHV Bruce!!!.Just a side note, SVH reminds me of an old pre-dated version of Gossip Girl.
Chuck Bass is Bruce Patman. Cara is Gossip Girl. Blair is Jessica. I don't know who Elizabeth is. She doesn't quite fit Serena.
Maybe she's pre-Queen Bee Jenny. Or is Ken Dan (Dan was the one who had the affair with the teacher). Olivia is Vanessa.Any other teacher if they saw something on the board about them probably either would have said 'very funny' or not even acknowledged it.
Yes, I'm sure it hurt but to run out of the room crying? I think Miss Dalton should have held a professional front till later when she was alone. You just don't burst into tears and run out of your classroom. Maybe she just should have not come into class until she got her emotions in check.Burt Reynolds?
The guy in Mary Poppins? Okaay.RATING 6. The more and more I read SVH the less respect I have for Jessica Wakefield. It amazes me to no end how she is so quick to stab her own sister in the back and then expect her to come to her rescue when she needs bailing out. But in Elizabeth's defense, I DO like that she’s not completely a wimp.
That she blackmailed Jessica shows that she has some kind of spine. I think a lot of confusion would gotten solved if Enid would have just been honest with Ronnie in the beginning about George. If he didn't understand, oh well. I would have liked to see Enid tell him where to go. The best part about this book was the end where George shows up like the knight in shining armor. He’s been her friend all along and so they really are perfect together.
George’s timing couldn’t be more perfect. I don’t remember reading any more about George and Enid. Oh, wait a minute! I take that back! I think there’s a tragic accident and he doesn’t really turn out to be the prince charming after all. Ah well so much for that theory.
But you gotta love the whole Cinderella feel to it, and how Ronnie must have felt standing there like a complete jack ass while George and Enid are looking lovey-dovey. I also feel bad for Winston because he's honestly the innocent one in all this but he gets treated like shit from Jessica and used by Elizabeth. Is it any wonder he turns into an asshole. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it,Would you believe there's absolutely NO mentioning of the 'perfect size 6' in this book! It must be too early, and the ghost writer didn't find it necessary yet.
However, we did get told both that Elizabeth is 4 minutes older AND that they were given identical necklaces for their 16th birthday, so not all is lost.Yet another(!) dance is coming up at Sweet Valley High (seriously, does anybody know how many books don't include a dance of some sort?). Jessica and Enid (Enid? That sounds Would you believe there's absolutely NO mentioning of the 'perfect size 6' in this book! It must be too early, and the ghost writer didn't find it necessary yet.
However, we did get told both that Elizabeth is 4 minutes older AND that they were given identical necklaces for their 16th birthday, so not all is lost.Yet another(!) dance is coming up at Sweet Valley High (seriously, does anybody know how many books don't include a dance of some sort?). Jessica and Enid (Enid? That sounds rather out of character for her. But I forget.
It's only book 2. She doesn't have a character yet) are both up for 'Queen'.
Bruce and Winston (Again, WHAT?) are up for 'King'. Jessica has not yet realized what an ass Bruce really is, and is desperately trying to catch his attention, as she's certain he'll fall hard for her the minute he 'discovers' her.However, though Jessica is sure she'll be made queen, she wants to make absolutely certain, and as Enid's boyfriend, Ronnie is in charge of the voting, she's concerned that he'll convince everybody to vote for Enid instead of her! (What does she think he'll do, rig the election?) What to do.Meanwhile Enid is busy pouring her heart out to Liz. She has a terrible secret in her past and is afraid that once Ronnie finds out, he'll drop her like a hot potato. If a boyfriend will dump you for something that happened in your past, you're better off without him. In general Ronnie sounds awfully possessive and jealous, so I really don't understand why Enid would want to be with him in the first place!Turns out Enid used to be a wild girl, who drank, did drugs and even had a police record!
Her back-then boyfriend, George apparently had a bad influence on her, because once he was sent off to boarding school, Enid cleaned up and became the boring nice girl we know now. She still exchanges letters with George though (something Ronnie Must Never Know) and is becoming really worried now that George is coming back to town because now Ronnie might find out and be pissed off! He sounds like a grade A boyfriend, doesn't he? Enid has brought some of George's letters along to show to Liz, and naturally accidentally drops one in Liz' room. No prizes to anybody for guessing what happens next.Yup, Jess finds it and immediately realizes that this is the perfect way to a) get Enid back for wanting to be Liz' friend rather than her friend. B) make Enid so mad at Liz they'll no longer be friends, and Jess will get Liz back. C) break up Enid and Ronnie so she can suck up to Ronnie and become queen of the ball, have Bruce become king and fall madly in love with her!Since it's Sweet Valley, Jess' plan works only too well.
Ronnie is more than willing to believe the worst about Enid and won't let her voice a word of defence for herself. She, in turn, immediately reasons that since she and Liz were the only two to know about the letters, Liz must have betrayed her. Despite them being best friends, she is more than willing to believe the worst about Liz and won't let her voice a word of defence for herself (now where have I heard that before.). Jessica is thrilled! She manages to convince Ronnie to take her to the dance, and is convinced all will go according to plan.And so it would.
But Liz isn't as slow as she always seems to be. The day of the dance she goes to clean up her room (what?
Isn't it always spotless?) and finds one of George's letters under her bed!!! Lost letter + information mysteriously revealed = Jessica! Instead of confronting her right away, Liz plans an evil revenge.Meanwhile Enid has decided to put on a brave face and go to the dance alone.
She's getting herself ready when somebody calls at the door. Enid exclaims hopefully.
'No,' her mother replies. 'But I don't think you'll be disappointed,' and she opens the door to reveal George! If it had been my mother, she would have been a tad more concerned to see me back with such a wild boy again. Unless of course Enid has shared the letters from George with her, so she too knows that he has cleaned up.Enid jumps into Georges arms and they kiss. That was quick! Even for Sweet Valley. But hey, if she's happy.
They go to the dance together, and Enid even feels gracious enough to apologize to Liz and they make up. Yay:-D Enid&Liz=OTP!Like everybody assumed, Jessica is made queen of the ball, but to her horror WINSTON is made king!!!

Jessica wails to Cara who wonders, 'But Jess, everybody knows you have a thing for Winston. We thought we were doing you a favour!' Woah, Jess is pissed! She can only think of ONE person who'd be evil enough to spread such a rumour and runs to Liz, 'How DARE you try to ruin my life like that?!'
'Oh, you mean like you did to Enid?' Suddenly Jess most of all resembles a deflated balloon.
In return for NOT spilling the beans of what Jess did (which, she realises, even Lila would be appalled to hear), Liz makes her promise to not only accept having Winston as her king, but act happy about it, and give him a kiss for the photograph. When Liz is evil, she is EVIL!But all's well that ends well. Even for Jess. As Bruce leaves he gives her a sly smile leading Jessica to hope she may get him yet. Is she right?
We'll see in #3: Playing With Fire. Francine Pascal (May 13, 1938— ) is an American author best known for creating the Sweet Valley series of novels. In 1982 she created the characters and the stories for the first six books and her agent, Amy Berkower of Writers House sold them to Bantam Books.
Book number one is mostly written by Ms. From then on she wrote the stories for every book ever published in the series. After the Francine Pascal (May 13, 1938— ) is an American author best known for creating the Sweet Valley series of novels. In 1982 she created the characters and the stories for the first six books and her agent, Amy Berkower of Writers House sold them to Bantam Books. Book number one is mostly written by Ms. From then on she wrote the stories for every book ever published in the series.
After the first book ghostwriters were hired and edited by Dan Weiss' packaging company.Ms. Pascal was married to writer (July 8, 1932 - January 7, 1981), and her brother was Broadway lyricist (August 1, 1924 – September 20, 1987).She now divides her time between homes in New York and the south of France.