Lego Indiana Jones 2 Cheats Ps3
PGWSEAIndiana Jones: 12W8QR3Indiana Jones: DisguisedM4C34KIndiana Jones: DesertFGLKY5Indiana Jones: 2J2XS97Indiana Jones: KaliQUNZUTIndiana Jones: DJ94RUAJWillie: SingerDZFY9SIndiana Jones: Collect3FQFKSIndiana Jones: OfficerE88YRPSalah4C5AKHProfessor Henry Jones8BDJG5Indiana Jones: CSP4PCDYMac2GK562MuttQPWDMMMannequin: Adult MaleU7SMVKMannequin: Adult Female2UJQWCMannequin: Child Male3PG5ELMannequin: Child Female7AWX3JLao Che82RMC2Mola Ram7EQF47BoxerFTL48SRene BelloqWL4T6NDovchenko. The Holy Grail, Dr. Jones (Platinum): All trophies unlockedAsps very dangerous you go first (Bronze): Complete all Story Mode Levels in Raiders HubI don't believe in hocus-pocus (Silver): Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Raiders HubHe was good, he was very good (Silver): Complete all Bonus Levels in Raiders HubYou betrayed Shiva! (Bronze): Complete all Story Mode Levels in Temple of Doom Hub.I'm. a conceited ape?

Indiana Jones Original Adventures Walkthrough
(Silver): Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Temple of Doom HubYou dare not do that (Silver): Complete all Bonus Levels in Temple of Doom HubWe named the dog Indiana (Bronze): Complete all Story Mode Levels in Crusade HubI can almost reach it! (Silver): Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Crusade HubOur situation has not improved (Silver): Complete all Bonus Levels in Crusade HubI thought that was closer (Bronze): Complete all Story Mode Levels in Skull 1 HubI meant drop dead. Comrade (Silver): Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Skull 1 HubWhat are you, like 80?
(Silver): Complete all Bonus Levels in Skull 1 HubGrab the snake! (Bronze): Complete all Story Mode Levels in Skull 2 HubWe're not grave robbers (Silver): Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Skull 2 HubYou're one crazy old man (Silver): Complete all Bonus Levels in Skull 2 HubThree times it drops!

(Bronze): Complete all Story Mode Levels in Skull 3 HubThey were archaeologists! (Bronze): Complete all Treasure Mode Levels in Skull 3 HubInto the space in-between spaces (Silver): Complete all Bonus Levels in Skull 3 HubWiped clean by the wrath of God (Bronze): Edit a Bonus level in the BuilderAnd I even like the color (Silver): Create a validated Builder levelWhat are you looking at Daddy-o? (Bronze): Create a customised characterI taught you self-reliance (Bronze): Complete the Builder Tutorial levelsWhat a vivid imagination (Silver): Complete a 'Build Your Own Adventure'Get on, Gramps! (Silver): Unlock all of the vehicles in the game.Do svidanya, Dr.
(Silver): Destroy Indy with Spalko.So what are you, a triple agent? (Bronze): Destroy Indy 3 times with Mac.I'd cover my ears if I were you.
(Bronze): Fire a bazooka 100 times.You know how to fly, don't you? (Silver): Complete all plane races.Wow! Crash Landing! (Silver): Destroy 100 enemy vehicles.A long time to wait. (Silver): Unlock the Grail Knight.What are they? (Silver): Unlock the Interdimensional Being.
Lego Indiana Jones 2 Cheats Ps3 Game
In order to unpack this file after download, please enter the following password: trainer.For unpacking files we recommend using a free software -.Unzip the contents of the archive, run the trainer, and then the game. Press F1 while in the main menu of the game.
During the game you will be able to take advantage of the following facilities:NUMPAD1 -immortalityNUMPAD2 -weaker bossesNUMPAD3 -a large amount of Studs (missions)NUMPAD4 -a large amount of Studs (magazine)NUMPAD5 – super speedNUMPAD6 -super jumpNUMPAD7 -unlock new areas (when you press a key you need to begin any mission, then it outputs)NUMPAD8 – unlock new characters (after pressing the key you need to begin any mission, then it outputs). Note: The cheats and tricks listed above may not necessarily work with your copy of the game. This is due to the fact that they generally work with a specific version of the game and after updating it or choosing another language they may (although do not have to) stop working or even malfunction.Extra care should be taken with modifications, trainers, and other things that were not created by the game’s developers. In this case the possibility of malfunctioning or even damaging the game, which may necessitate reinstalling the game, is particularly high.