Windows 10 Aero Enable

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Though I do like Windows 10 as far as its usability on multiple formfactors, such as Phones, (like my Nokia Luia 950 XL Dual sim), tablets (like my Asus Transformer t100taf), Laptops such as my MSI ge62 Apache Pro, and Desktops like my IBM ThinkcentrePC. I beleive that Windows Aero should be added back in to the OS (in the title bars as well) with options to personalize and enable Windows Aero. If Microsoft would put Windows Aero back into the OS, I personally think alot of people would be pleased. PCssuch as my Gaming laptop that has a 6th gen Intel I7 clocked at 3GHZ, Nvidia GTX 970m (with 4 GB of dedicated Video Ram) 16 gbs of DDR4 Ramis PLENTY powerfull enough to handle Windows Aero. Besides, the battery life cant get much worse than it is now.

  1. Aero Theme Windows 10

Now Ifyou are like me, and you are sick of being forced to use Microsoft Windows Metro Junk UI, you propably already went back to Windows 7 along time ago. I absolutely HATE Windows Metro UI. I have gotten Use to it by force, as we (the way it looks) are nevergoing to see a nice old Classic Desktop OS by Microsoft again. I would at least like to see some options in Windows 10 to reenable Classic Windows UI in Windows 10.


That would make me happy. Like the old tileless Windows 7 Start Menu instead of the currentone in Windows 10.

Aero Theme Windows 10

Just make it available through Control Panel. Same thing with Windows Aero. Sure, Microsoft put a bit of Aero into the Start menu and Taskbar. But what about the Title bars? If microsoft would make these options available, i am sureWindows users would be mutch mutch more happy with their OS, as i am sory to say, but those Windows Live Tiles and some of the other BS in the start menu for example is what makes Windows 10 so damn slow.

Lets just say, When i can install Windows 7 on my2004 Dell Demension 4700, and it still performs faster than Windows 10 on my flippin Gaming laptop. (even when Windows 10 is clean installed) there is a problem.Here is the thing. Adding at least an option for Windows Aero in the title bar is not going to slow your PC down, the Engine (DWM) that powered Windows Aero is still there. Microsoft just removed little peices of code thatallowed for Windows Aero to be enabled. The Aeroglass app is suppose to 're inject' that code back into DWM, to have Windows Aero again.


And it works well, and it is NATIVE in Windows Anyway, so why cant MS just re-ADD the code that they removed? An optionat least would be nice, so i dont have to rely on Bigmuscle Windows Aero program to use Aero in the Window borders.

Now that i cleared that up, as soon as i get the latest Windows OS Insiderupdate. Does Anyone feel like they would rather use the Classic Control panel UI for things like Updating, Changing your appearance of your Desktop (like Desktop Background, themes, colors) Does ANYONE besides me wish to have the ability to enable the WindowsBalloon Notification (from 2000, XP, Vista, 7, and 8 which had a combination of toasts and Balloon Notifcation) is anyone other than me sick of using Modern UI control Panel for Absolutely everything we use to be able to do in control Panel? Does ANYONE wantan option in the FUTURE that will allow us to renable the Classic System UI like control Panel and all of its settings, Classic Theme, Classic Notification UI, and all other Items from Windows 7 and earlier (to windows XP) Back? If you do, feel free to commenthere and tell me what you want added back into Windows 10 such as Windows Aero.

I personally would like all of the features I listed above back as at least an option to ALL windows 10 users. Tell me what you want added in.

Lets try to Make Microsoft give usthese options, even I know there is propably not a hope in. in doing so because Microsoft want to make all of us Desktop Users ditch our desktops for Tablets. If you are like me, and you are sick of being forced to use Microsoft Windows Metro Junk UI,you propably already went back to Windows 7 along time ago. I too only have one PC running Windows 10. I still have faith that Microsoft will give their users what they want and/or need instead of chasing their customers like Me (I Build PCs that run Windows)dislike Microsoft with a Passion, and Never want to buy something branded Microsoft again. That is My thought as of right now.I am loving W10, would not want to go back to W7 - hee - hee.W10 + Start10 = LoveMel. If you are like me, and you are sick of being forced to use Microsoft Windows Metro Junk UI, you propably already went back to Windows 7 along time ago.I think you have hit the nail right on the head with this statement.


I know many of the advocates that were here trying to get Windows 10 changed to being the kind of desktop OS that most users wanted have long since left this forum. They, like you, arenow running Windows 10 as a secondary OS to see what the upcoming changes are, but for the most part have gone back to using their older Windows OS's while actively seeking out alternatives to using Microsoft products or how best to protect what they alreadyhave. As Insiders we are here to test new concepts and to post any ideas, concerns, glitches, bugs, crashes, which many have also have posted about the menus, start pages to the Feedback Hub where it gets upvoted, as me being a long time PC user and have movedUP along the way finding a few things in Win10 are not as easy to do which is good as it keeps the ones without any computer knowledge from screwing up the system the reason for auto updates, now if you dislike MS so much why are using any of MS operatingsystems?I'm a unpaid independent Advisor/volunteer. Control Panel? No, the sooner it dies with fully capable replacement that is not the inconsistent mess that CP became by Win 7, the better. A settings environment usable by all, from novice to expert regardless of whether they are usingkeyboard, mouse, touchpad, pen, finger or any combination of these is the dreamBalloon notifications? No, the new notifications plus the Action centre are as good or betterSick of the Modern UI Control panel? No, repeated item see first pointWant classic theme back?

No, just the range of options Classic theme used to offer (colours, fonts, borders etc.) but for Win 10 theme.Return all old looks as option?s No, Of course, there is no hope that any computer company is going to offer bloatware just so people can ignore change and make their PC look and act like it did when a 1980s or 1990's OS came out - CP datesback to Win 95 and the look of the Classic theme was just the Win 95 modernised version of the Win 3.x look. Vista's Aero was dropped for good reasons and its dropping commenced with Win 7MS is making us ditch our desktops for tablets - Hogwash. They sell laptops, successfully differentiated their tablets by their keyboards forcing everyone to copy them and are rumoured to be about to release an all in one desktop. They respondedto what people want by dropping the Win RT tablet. Win 10 is all about re-establishing the importance and focus on the desktop.

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