Age Of Mythology Isis

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Contents Gods Major gods.Minor gods Classical Age.Heroic Age.Mythic Age.Resource gathering, the Egyptian workers, are slower at gathering resources than other cultures' workers. This can be offset by having the (or with Ra, ) the relevant drop-off building. In contrast to the other cultures, the Egyptians have separate drop-off buildings for food, wood and gold; they are all built slowly though they are free.HeroesUnlike the and, the Egyptian is not simply a regular unit with an attack bonus against. Instead the Egyptians have the Pharaoh, a hero that heals and is devastating against myth units, and Priests, which are essentially lesser versions of the Pharaoh. The Egyptian player starts with a Pharaoh and a Priest. Priests are fairly expensive and rather weak against.Pharaoh Main article:The Pharaoh is a fairly tough warrior, but is still no match for grouped human units. However, he is a powerful support unit due to his strong attacks against enemy Myth units and his ability to heal.

Age Of Mythology Isis

Set's Pharaoh can also summon.If killed, the Pharaoh regenerates at the player's starting after one and a half minutes, so he is never out of action for long.Son of Osiris Using the (supplied, unsurprisingly, by Osiris), the Pharaoh can be turned into a falcon-headed demigod. He still has all of the Pharaoh's abilities, but is vastly more powerful in combat.

The Son of Osiris has increased armor, many more hit points and a powerful, chain-lighting attack that can hit up to four targets at once. However, he cannot be healed, and if killed, a normal Pharaoh will appear in its stead.Priest Main article:Like the Pharaoh, the Priest has a ranged attack with a large attack bonus against mythological units, but is very weak against regular units. It can also heal units. The Priest has the additional ability to summon, which are cheap and quickly placed structures that provide a large line of sight. Priests can be trained at the Town Center (once a has been built) or at the Temple.

Age Mythology Download

All three major gods have a bonus to their priests - Ra's can empower buildings like the Pharaoh, Isis' place obelisks faster and at lower cost, and Set's can wild to serve the player.FavorThe Egyptian player gains by building five different to the glory of their chosen god. Each of these monuments generates favor at a set rate. Once the monuments are built, this method of gaining favor doesn't require any management. Though it is not as easy to regulate as the Greeks' method (putting more villagers on the Temple), empowering monuments can increase the total favor coming in a little.Titan. The Egyptians summon a giant humanoid bird, (either, or Ra-Horakhty).Starting conditionsEach culture in Age of Mythology has different starting conditions in a normal game. The Egyptians start with a Pharaoh, a Priest, and two Laborers.