Skyrim I Need You To Do Something
I have a similar issue. Okay, well, i had this mod installed here: (Follower Framework) then, since i found a better one here: (UFO), i deactivated/deleted the first one with the Nexus Mod Manager. Then, I downloaded and enabled the second one.
The UFO mod told me to dismiss all followers, then save, then install the mod, then load, to get the mod working. So 'tis what i did. I dismissed Lydia, and as she was walking out the door (of a nordic ruin, the one you get the Horn of blahblah windcaller or whatever from in the greybeard's quest) i typed in the console: 'show playerfollowercount' and it said playerfollowercount is 0.00, which means obviously that no one was following me at that time. I then saved, then installed the mod as it told me to. When i loaded, Lydia was still walking out the door, as expected, so i approached and attempted to ask her to follow me. The dialogue option 'Follow me, i need your help' was not there. In fact, the dialogue options were showing as if she was already recruited, because all the 'wait here' and the 'i need you to do something' were there.

I typed in the console 'show playerfollowercount' again, and it still said zero. 'well,' i thought, 'this is probably a minor glitch, i know how to fix it.'
So i told her to go back home, basicly dismissed her. And she said 'i am heading back home if you need me.' But i talked to her again, and it did the same thing. Nothing changed. Still the dialogue options as if she was already a follower.
SO, i then let her walk out the door, and went in search for another follower. I recruited a different follower from an inn, and said 'follow me i need your help.'
She then folowed me, then i told her 'time to part ways' and dismissed her, and she said she was heading back home, but she continued to follow me. I suppose the scripts are not working at all correctly, as if everything was reversed. I loaded a save BEFORE this all happened, when i was on the road heading to the nordic ruin i was previously in, when lydia was sill following me.

I talked to her, and told her to head back home, and same thing happened that occured with the other follower. She said she was heading home, but didn't. She continued to follow me. I disabled the UFO mod, so that no mods that were effecting followers were active, and it did NOTHING.
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All this still is happening. If there is anyone out there who can help me, PLEASE do, this is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ me off, i cannot play the game with followers anymore. I am RAGING right now.
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Yeah I have been having the same problem but not with all of my followers, I was able to take 2 companions with me and the 5 others gave me the dialogue option 'Follow Me for Adventure' and then they would reply and just wander around as if I didn't recruit them but I was able to marry one of the followers that wasn't working. If I uninstalled my skyrim would it delete my mods, and if not, would I still be able to reinstall an game that was gifted to me if I uninstall it (Skyrim was gifted to me).
I had the same issue with UFO installed. My problem was like this, I was hitting my follower accidentally and I didn't wanted to hit her. SO I ordered her to step aside with the 'stay here' dialog option. After that she didn't follow me, I handle it like this;-I needed to uninstall UFO mod so I have to be sure didn't follow me anymore, I typed to console 'show playerfollowercount' it turned out 'value=1'-To make sure that value=0, you should type 'set playerfollowercount 0', then you can check if it worked with the previous command.-Now if you click your follower you'll see dialog options didn't changed, its okay for now. In order to uninstall the UFO mod, you need to travel to Riverwood's little island next to the Mill. You'll see a firebug there.
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You have to click on it several times it'll show you warnings you just need to click 'ok' to them.-Now you can save and exit the game. After quitting the game open your nexusmod software and uninstall (double click the mod like how you installed at first place). After you see a red cross at the begining of the mod's name you can open back game and your last save.-You can now find your previously bugged follower and try to send him/her to home. After they say goodbye, you can try to recruit them again.This is how I fixed mine, I hope it helps people because forget the start from scratch even download the game again is a pain in the.:)Feel free to share this on forums and such websites.