The Sim 4 Mods
How it works:1) You set the miscarry/stillborn chance percentage in the 'Miscarriage Risk' function. If not, the default chance will be 50% of pregnancy ending in miscarry/stillborn.2) At each period of pregnancy, there will be miscarriage chance, described above. For example, if the chance percentage was set at 20%. So, in this case, out of 100 pregnancies, 20 of them end in miscarriage.3) At the end of pregnancy period, stillborn chance percentage (described in paragraph 1) will be calculated. As long as between the scan or set the mother does not eat the foods or listen to the music types below, everything should stay accurate. However, until we can get extracts of the game XML, it is not clear if the statistic used to track the food and music may “decay” or drift back to zero, like relationships.
If this occurs, then it is possible that things can still change even if those foods/music are avoided after the scan IF they were not avoided prior to it. Basically, it makes a mess of things, and only time will tell. I can create an add-on that will alter the pregnancy function to work as it used to if it bothers enough people that things are no longer strictly deterministic. Additional Credits. adaptation plugin up to latest version, bug fixes and new functional. creator of original base mod (version 4, outdated, contains not all functional, that this mod has). Added a new sliders in CAS sim edit mode - height sliders - Tall and Short.
With this sliders in CAS you can modify your sims height!. Pie menu ArtUrlWWW - Edit active sim in CAS, in edit Full Edit Mode moved to ArtUrlWWW - CAS - Edit active sim in CAS, in edit Full Edit Mode.

Added new option ArtUrlWWW - CAS - Body - Height - Tall. This option allows you to make your sims taller. Just enter value from 0 (minimum value, as usual it's standard height) to 100 (the most taller sims height). Added new option ArtUrlWWW - CAS - Body - Height - Short. This option allows you to make your sims smaller. Just enter value from 0 (minimum value, as usual it's standard height) to 100 (the most smaller sims height). Added new option ArtUrlWWW - CAS - Neck- Short.
This option allows you to make your sim's neck smaller. Just enter value from 0 (minimum value, as usual it's standard neck height) to 100 (the most smaller sim's neck height ). Added new option ArtUrlWWW - CAS - Neck- Tall. This option allows you to make your sim's neck smaller.
Just enter value from 0 (minimum value, as usual it's standard neck height) to 100 (the most taller sim's neck height ).
♡Hey Fantacorns! Welcome to a video on 12 mods for better game play and realism for The Sims 4, these mods are amazing for realism and more detail for your game play!
Slice Of Life:2. Meaningful Stories (this mod will be available for free on February 7th or you can get it now on Patreon:3. Ultrasound Scan:4. Baby Showers:5. Explore Mod:6. Pool Party Mod:7. Road To Fame:8.

The Sims 4 Mods Not Showing Up
MC Command Center + Woohoo Extension:9. Smoking Mod:11. After School Bundle #1:Bundle #2:12.