Best Division Templates Hoi4

Best Soviet Division Template Hoi4
Click to expand.What i Need more divisions for? I normally field like 100 x 44 width divisions for Barbarossa.Where is the difference between 100 44 width or 200 22 width. Total Firepower is nearly the same. You are more flexible, yes.Problem is not the manpower that's around 215,000 more men when your build has 4-5 support companies, it is the support equipment. You need double as much, this is the real difference. Nikon 18-105 vr macro review. In this case you need to produce around 14,000 additional support equipment with a base cost of 4 that's 56,000 ic needed. Therefore you can build 4300 medium tank II or 2300 cas II.What do you think helps you more win the war?.
Hoi4 Light Tank Template
not counting additional infantry equipment and trucks or support arty needed.Build is with eng/rec/sig/log/fh as support. If you want to finish your land and air doctrines before Barbarossa then your research options are a bit constrained.So for infantry, I like 8 INF 2 ART for '39. I keep the default supports but only care about ENG.For Russia, I like 14 INF 4 ART 4 AA. These guys will do a general offensive in the air zone where the armor is operating to soak CAS.Speaking of armor 15 MARM 5 MOT is very good:1.
Minimizes research investment2. Army exp can be focused into one model (speed is good)3. High armor, if you add variants then reasonable amounts of line AT will Pierce on day 1 of combat. If you want to finish your land and air doctrines before Barbarossa then your research options are a bit constrained.So for infantry, I like 8 INF 2 ART for '39. I keep the default supports but only care about ENG.For Russia, I like 14 INF 4 ART 4 AA. These guys will do a general offensive in the air zone where the armor is operating to soak CAS.Speaking of armor 15 MARM 5 MOT is very good:1. Minimizes research investment2.
Army exp can be focused into one model (speed is good)3. High armor, if you add variants then reasonable amounts of line AT will Pierce on day 1 of combat.