Nikon 18-105 Vr Macro

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  1. Nikon 18 105 Vr Lens

Says:Are there CONSIDERABLE differences between this two (besides, obviously, the greater zoom). Is the 18-200 much better than the 18-105? (if you don't need the zoom.?)Is the IQ better on the 18-200 than the 18-105?4:38PM, 28 May 2009 PDTsays:I personally don't have experience with the 18-105, but from what I have read, they are comparable. Generally, the rule of thumb is that the more range a zoom lens has, it usually does it at the expense of optical performance, which may show itself in sharpness, speed, light falloff, edge distortion, corner sharpness, etc. Or some combination of those.The 18-200 is not about it's pure IQ. It's primary strength is overall performance for that large of a focal range. It's the ultimate one carry lens from wide to fairly long zoom, with fast autofocus, VR and very good to excellent optical performance.

Not spectacular like a pro zoom, but typically as good better than most shooters' ability. So compared to other manufacturers of that type of super zoom, it's at the top of the heap.If you went on vacation, that 'little bit' of extra zoom could provide a lot of additional keeper shots that you would otherwise have to crop with the 105.Like anything else, it's value is in how you use it, so if you are unsure, it's best to try them out and see what fits your style best. Some people would gladly pay the extra and even sacrifice a bit of optical quality for the convenience of the longer zoom.

ReviewNikon 18-105 Vr Macro

Others are more worried about raw IQ and couldn't care less. Only you know where you fit in that equation.ages agosays:I've shot a couple of thousand pics with each lens on both a D60 and a D90.whatadqr is spot on in talking about the versatility of the 18-200. It is a fine lens and as close to a perfect walk-around lens as you can get.On the other hand, I have found the 18-105 to have slightly better optical performance. The color is more consistent and at 5.6, the sharpness of this glass is stunning. At about 1/2 the cost of the 18-200, the 18-105 is a better deal IMO. In my experience, if you need 200mm for a particular shot, you probably need more (the 70-300VR is also VERY nice).You really can't go wrong whichever you decide to get.

They are both impressive lenses in their own way. If your priority is convenience (and that is important), the 18-200 is awesome. But the 18-105 is super sharp and you could get it PLUS the new 35mm f/1.8 for less money.How's that for totally confusing the issue?:-) Good luck.ages agosays:I got the new D7000 that came as a kit with 18-105VR.

I already have 18-200VR. I was going to sell the 18-105VR, but now I am thinking about selling 18-200VR, because it is too front heavy on D7000, and I believe 18-105 balances better on D7000. On D300, 18-200VR balances much better. I also understand that 18-105 is slightly sharper than 18-200VR. On the other hand I am afraid to lose that 105-200 range, as I am going to use the lens as a walkaround vacation zoom. Decisions, Decisions.106 months agoeasy dust deleted says:I concur with the unbeatable 'vacation-ness' of the 18-200.

I dream of something a bit sharper some days (leaning more towards the 16-85VR + 70-300VR), but when I just want a single lens+camera combo, this is hard to top.106 months agosays:There is only one lens that can replace the 18-200mm. The new 28-300mm with an FX body.106 months agoheavy flight deleted says:Bit of a silly question in my opinion, horses for courses.

Review Nikon AF-S DX 18-105 mm 3.5-5,6 G ED VR (N APS-C)Ivo Freriks, 03 July 2013 In August 2008, the Nikon 18-105 mm was launched. This lens, called in full Nikon AF-S DX 18-105 mm 3.5-5,6 G ED VR, is an alternative to the kit lens. The range on the long end, 105 mm, is so great that a lot of photographic situations can be managed without having to change lens. The Nikon 18-105 mm is much cheaper than the In the last few years the and the have joined the competition for the Nikon 18-105mm.

What does it offer? This was one of the first lenses we've tested.

We decided to test it again. This time with a modern 24 megapixel camera (Nikon D3200 and Nikon D7100), evaluating the quality of both jpg and RAW files.Field of view Nikon 18-105 mm @18 mmNikon 18-105 @105 mmTwo images, shot from the same position, illustrate the large 5.8 zoom range of the Nikon 18-105mm. Without changing your lens, you will get two totally different images. No more room in hell full game download. The field of view of this lens is equal to the field of view of a 27-157mm lens on a camera with a full frame sensor.Construction and autofocusBoth the lens body and the mount are of plastic. During focusing, the filter does not rotate. The focus ring and zoom ring run smoothly without the lens feeling cheap.

As with many other Nikon lenses, the AF drive is provided by a Silent Wave Motor. That means fast, almost silent and virtually no hunting in low light. Thanks to the built -in SWF, you will also have AF using Nikon camera bodies without an AF motor, like the Nikon D3200 or the Nikon D5200. Image Stabilization:+lenses/ groups:15/11length x diameter:89x76mmfilter size:67Weight:420Lens hood:-For proper performance enable JavaScript. Pages:Image stabilization Nikon 18-105 mmThe effectiveness of Nikon 18-105 's integrated image stabilization is measured at a focal lenght of 105 mm. The effectiveness is about 4 stops, which is a lot.Nikon AF-S DX 18-105 mm/3.5-5,6 G ED VR @ 18 mm, f/3.5, 1/640, 100 ISOVignettingVignetting is expressed in stops and is somewhat on the high side at 18 mm at f/3.5 and f/4.0. And at 105 mm, the vignetting is only a bit too high at f/5.6.

Vignetting can be controlled by certain programs.Move your mouse over the graph to see our results for vignetting in RAW files.Distortion Nikon 18-105The distortion in RAW files ( Move your mouse over the graph), is high at every focal length, especially at 18 mm. Distortion can be controlled with software.BokehLess fast zoom lenses on a camera with an APS-C sensor supply almost never a nice bokeh.

Nikon 18-105 Vr Macro

The Nikon 18-105mm is no exception. The maximum aperture at 62mm is f/5.2. The depth of field, even though the small image sensor, is quite large. The background is uneasy about the blurry circles are readily identifiable and have no uniform coverage.The bokeh changes shape by light waste in the center is the beautiful bokeh around.

In the corners the bokeh takes the form of a cat's eye ( move your mouse over the image). FlareThis lens is very sensitive to backlight; both ghosting and flare can be seen. You will have to take this into account when photographing.Resolution Nikon 18-105The resolution, expressed in LW/PH, reached in the center at different focal lengths and apertures nice values​​. The corners are less sharp than the center aperture and stopping down hardly helps.Thanks to the high resolution of the test cameras (24 megapixels) this 'softness' in the corners will in practice almost be invisible to most photographers.Click at the graph to see all results.Chromatic aberration Nikon 18-105 mmThe chromatic aberration remains sufficiently low in jpg files, thanks to the in-camera correction. Chromatic aberration is one of the parameters where you can distinguish the professional Nikon lenses (designed with lateral chromatic aberration almost completely absent) from cheaper consumer lens, which is less heavily deployed on completely eliminating chromatic aberration.

At high magnifications you may can encounter purple and green edges in the corners in sharp contrast transitions. That is easily corrected in Capture NX or Lightroom.Click at the graph to see all results. OverallOverall7. proper performance enable JavaScript. Pages:Pro. Good performances in the center.

Handy zoom range. Effective image stabilization.

Nikon 18 105 Vr Lens

Favorable recommended retail priceCon. Moderate optical performances in the corners. Strong distortion. Sensitive to flareThe Nikkor AF-S DX 18-105 mm 3.5-5, 6 G ED VR is equipped with an effective image stabilization, and is practical in use due to the wide zoom range. This lens is not very fast and in terms of resolution and distortion, this lens performs only very moderately. The lens is sensitive to backlight, but the recommended retail price is attractive.