Fallout 4 Nexus Mod Manager No Ini
Like Skyrim and other Bethesda games before it, modding is one of Fallout 4’s huge draws on the PC. But Fallout 4 and Steam don’t offer an easy, built-in way to install these mods. Thankfully, there’s a tool called that makes this easier, so you don’t have to do everything by hand.The PC version of Fallout 4 doesn’t offer Steam Workshop support, so there’s no one-click subscribing to mods. Mods will eventually be available when Bethesda releases official modding tools.
However, even when that occurs, this method will still allow you to install mods Bethesda hasn’t officially blessed. This actually works for many other games, too, including Skyrim, The Witcher games, Dragon Age, Dark Souls, and other Fallout games, so you should be able to adapt the instructions for any other game Nexus Mod Manager supports.How to Enable Modding in Fallout 4Even though you’ll be using the Nexus Mod Manager, you’ll still have to perform a quick tweak to Fallout 4’s game files before it will accept the mods you install.First, navigate to the Fallout 4 folder in your documents directory. You’ll find it under C:UsersYOURNAMEDocumentsMy GamesFallout4.Double-click the Fallout4Prefs.ini file to open it in your default text editor. It’ll open in Windows Notepad unless you’ve installed another text editor like.
How to Install and Configure Nexus Mod ManagerIt’s possible to manually install Fallout 4 mods. However, we recommend using the Nexus Mod Manager tool to make this process easier and reduce the risk you’ll break something while installing a mod.Download and install it on your PC. If you don’t yet have a Nexus Mods account, you’ll be informed you need to register for a free account to download it. You’ll be asked to sign up for a paid supporter membership during the sign-up process, but you can just scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Create Account” to continue.Launch Nexus Mod Manager after you install it and it will search your PC for games. If you have Fallout 4 installed, it will find it. Just click the checkmark to confirm Fallout 4 is installed at that location and then click “OK.”.
There is a civil war brewing within the Ultor Corporation. Dex, Ultor's newly appointed Head of Security, is running a black market nuclear weapons operation aided by Ultor management. Meanwhile, a defected Ultor executive offers the Saints a chance to bring the entire operation down.
You’ll be informed that you need to set up the paths where Nexus Mod Manager will store mod-related files. Click “OK” to continue and you’ll see a Fallout 4 Setup screen. By default, Nexus Mod Manager will store these files under C:GamesNexus Mod ManagerFallout4.There’s a problem with these default folder settings. It won’t work unless you run Nexus Mod Manager as Administrator. If you run it normally, you’ll see an error informing you that Nexus Mod Manager is “unable to get write permissions for” the directory.
To solve this, set the folder paths to something like C:UsersYOURNAMEDocumentsNexus Mod ManagerFallout4. Alternatively, keep the default folders and run Nexus Mod Manager as an Administrator. To do so, right-click the Nexus Mod Manager shortcut and select “Run as administrator.”To always run it as Administrator, right-click the shortcut and select “Open file location.” Right-click the “Nexus Mod Manager” Shortcut, select “Properties, click the “Compatability” tab, and enable the “Run this program as an administrator” checkbox. Click “OK” to save your settings and Windows will always launch Nexus Mod Manager with Administrator permissions. How to Configure Your Mod Load Order (and Why It Matters)The above process should work perfectly if you’re only using one mod. However, if you plan to install several mods, you may need to think about your mod load order.This is exactly what it sounds like. Fallout 4 will load mods one by one, in the order you specify.If you have multiple mods installed, some of them may overwrite each other’s changes.
Nexus Mod Manager Fallout New Vegas

For example, you may have one “total overhaul mod” that tweaks a large amount of things in the game, including all the weapons. Second, you may have a small mod that makes a single weapon function in a certain way. If the game loads the small mod before the larger mod, its tweaks will be overwritten by the total overhaul mod. To have the second mod function, the larger total overhaul mod needs to be loaded first.This only applies to mods that have plugins. If you install a mod with a plugin, it’ll appear on the “Plugins” tab, as well as the “Mods” tab. To control the load order, click over to the “Plugins” tab.
Nexus Mod Manager Fallout New Vegas
Select a mod you’ve installed and click the up and down arrows in the left pane to adjust the load order. The “Masters” information for a plugin tells you when a mod depends on another mod. For example, in the screenshot below, “Homemaker – SK Integration Patch.esp” depends on Fallout4.esm, SettlementKeywords.esm, and Homemaker.esm. It must appear after all these other plugins in the list. Nexus Mod Manager won’t let you move it above those other plugins in your load order.
Nexus Mod Manager Oblivion
It may take some trial and error to get the load order working the way you want it. Some mod authors may provide information about recommended load order on their mod’s download page.If you want some additional help, you can try using, the Load Order Optimization tool. It works by examining your mods and attempting to decide the correct order so that all dependencies are satisfied and that each mod has a maximum impact on your game. It will recommend you a load order you can configure in Nexus Mod Manager. How to Deal With Mod Conflicts, or “Overwrites”There’s another way mods can conflict, and it’s totally separate from your plug-in load order. Sometimes, two mods overwrite the same files in your game, and you’ll need to decide which one you want to take precedence.
We’ll use Skyrim here as an example. Skyrim and Fallout 4 share the same engine, and work similarly.Texture packs are a great example of this.
For example, the mod adds over 2,000 high-res textures to the game, making it look absolutely fantastic. But there are also smaller mods for specific textures–like this mod–that (sometimes) look even better. Let’s say you want to replace most of your game with the Skyrim HD pack, but want the ice and snow from the Real Ice and Snow mod.First, you select the Skyrim HD mod and enable it, just like you would any other mod. If you start the game at this point, you’d see that the have been applied. Then, when you enable the Real Ice and Snow mod, you’ll get this message. This happens because you have two mods–Skyrim HD and Real Ice and Snow–attempting to modify Skyrim’s snow and ice textures.
If you want, you’ll click “Yes to All” or “Yes to Mod” to overwrite Skyrim HD’s textures. If you prefer, you’d click “No to All” or “No to Mod”, and any conflicting textures from Real Ice and Snow would not be applied.You could load these mods in the opposite order, too. If you loaded Real Ice and Snow first, you’d get the ice from that mod, and decide whether to overwrite it with Skyrim HD after the fact.If you’re installing a lot of mods, we recommend loading the bigger, game-sweeping mods first as your “base layer”–in the example above, that’s Skyrim HD. Then, load the smaller, more specific mods after, always choosing “Yes to All.”The more mods you install, the more complex the process becomes, and we’ve only scratched the surface here–there are many mods that require even more steps outside of Nexus Mod Manager to work (like ENBs or interface modifications). But the more you do it, the more it’ll become second nature. If you ever have questions, check the Discussion tab on the offending mod’s Nexus page–there’s a lot of good info to be had, and developers are often pretty responsive.