Saint Row 2 Brotherhood

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Saint's Row 2 Guide - Gang Strongholds The Brotherhood StrongholdsPoseidon Alley Docks: Poseidon Alley/Docks and Warehouses DistrictYour task is to tail a convoy of Brotherhood vehicles to find their meeting spot so you can clear the place out. Head up the incline, kill the gang members around the marked truck, then get in and wait for the Brotherhood vehicle to pass. When the marked vehicle arrives, head down the slope and start following it. You must remain in the red circle on the GPS; if you fall out of it, return to it within 20 seconds to avoid failing the mission.When you reach the spot, all you have to do is kill the 12 marked Brotherhood to capture Poseidon Alley.


Note that the blue oil drums in the warehouse explode when destroyed, so avoid taking cover by one.Imperial Square Pagodas: Little Shanghai/Chinatown DistrictThere are four different shop locations marked on the GPS at the start. Saint row 2 character creation guide. You must travel to each of these locations, lure the shop’s owner outside, and then intimidate them into supporting the Saints. When you reach a location, some Brotherhood will spawn around you, and a red area will appear on the GPS. Kill the Brotherhood in the vicinity, and then proceed into the red area. You must fill up the Damage meter in the top-left corner of the screen to lure the shop owner outside. Fill up the damage meter by shooting or knocking down tables and chairs in the store radius.Once you’ve managed to completely fill the bar, the shop’s owner will come outside.

Put away your weapon and punch and kick the owner until you’ve managed to scare them, at which point start towards the next shop.After you’ve intimidated the four shop owners, your next target is the owner of the Pagoda Hotel at the south end of the Chinatown District. The hotel is surrounded by Brotherhood, so clear the area before opening the door. There are gang members in the hotel as well, but you likely won’t have to fight them off since the hotel owner should come running out shortly. When you spot the owner, beat him down until he gives in to capture Imperial Square.Sommerset Apartments: Sommerset/Apartments DistrictThe Brotherhood is dealing drugs in three different apartment buildings in Sommerset. Each of these locations is marked on the GPS. There are three lieutenants to eliminate per operation. Your first task is to clear out the lieutenants at each apartment.

Head to the apartment buildings one after the other and kill the marked targets that appear on the GPS.When the lieutenants have been dealt with, you are then tasked with destroying a mobile drug lab. The truck moves at a very slow pace, so accomplishing this shouldn’t be too much of a problem. Just drive alongside the target and shoot at it until it catches fire. Complete this last objective to capture Sommerset.Wardill Airport Hangars: Wardill Airport/Airport DistrictIt would be a good idea to invest in some RPG Launcher ammo for this stronghold, since having that weapon in your arsenal will make things much easier.Your first task is to prevent the Brotherhood in the computer room from transferring some money. The computer room is at the end of the catwalk in the large hangar. Fight your way onto the catwalk and follow the marker on your GPS to locate the computer room. Quickly clear out the three Brotherhood there to stop the transfer, then stand in the marker and press Y/Triangle to transfer the money to another client.Hold out in this room for one minute and then eliminate the Brotherhood that just entered the hangar.

Saints Row 2 Brotherhood Fighting Style

There’s a deal happening outside now, so you’re going to have to put a stop to it. Follow one of the cyan markers on the GPS to get back outside. First you are to destroy the four Brotherhood trucks parked outside of the hangar. You can use an RPG Launcher to quickly dismantle the trucks if you have one, but it would best to conserve your ammo for the final objective.Before destroying the final truck, make sure that you are a bit north up the runway. Your final objective is to destroy the four marked planes here.


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One or more of them will start down the runway, so target these first before moving on to the stationary ones. It takes two RPG Launcher shots to destroy one of these planes.

Saint Row 2 Brotherhood Pictures

Destroy all of the planes before one manages to take off to capture Wardill Airport.