Sim City 2000 Tipps
Start a new city and type 'fund' to issue a bond at 25% interest. Selectthe 'Yes' option to confirm. Repeat this step to issue a second bond. Then, enterthe budget window and issue a real bond. The interest should now be displayedas '.%'. Select the 'Yes' option to confirm. Your city should now receiveapproximately $1 million per a year.While playing a game, press Ctrl + F3.
Simcity 2000 Pc Cheats
Then, click on the 'RotateCounterclockwise' icon. Click on the resize box in the lower right corner of CityWindow.
Click on the status window. Click on the 'Population' icon. Clickanywhere in the city window.
Pull down the 'Disasters' menu and select thehorizontal line between 'Riots' and 'No Disasters'. While playing a game, click and hold on the Toolbar and type one of the followingcodes:CHEAT CODERESULToivaizmir Debug menubuddamus $500,000 and all rewardstorg $1 million income per yearjoke Pirate Squid Club picturemrsoleary Start a firenoah Start a floodmoses Stop a floodgomorrah Start a nuclear disastergilmartin Receive a military basedamn, darn, or heckResidential areas rezoned to churchescass Gain $250 (85%) or disaster (15%) NoteNote: Using the 'Gain $250' code more than twice in a year may result in a fire.
Sim City 2000 Tipps Free

SimCity 3000 Hints & TipsWelcome to the SimCity 3000 Hints & Tips section, edited. Here, you'll find a variety ofinteresting and helpful tips for getting the most out of SimCity 3000.If you've come up with tips of your own, and would like to share them, head on over to ourand tell us aboutthem. Article IndexClick a link below to view an article: DateSubjectJuly 27, 2002May 11, 2002October 31, 2000May 28, 2000May 22, 2000May 19, 2000May 17, 2000May 15, 2000May 12, 2000May 10, 2000May 9, 2000May 9, 2000May 5, 2000May 5, 2000May 2, 2000May 2, 2000May 1, 2000May 1, 2000May 1, 2000April 29, 2000Copyright © 1997-2003 All rights reserved.